Conferences and Conventions Security

We provide comprehensive conference and convention security services including

Access Control

We understand that conferences and conventions demand a meticulous approach to access control. Our security services are expertly crafted to manage attendee credentials with precision, providing you with a comprehensive solution for safeguarding restricted areas. We specialise in implementing strategic access control measures tailored to the unique layout and requirements of your conference venue.

Whether it's exclusive speaker lounges or VIP sections, we ensure that only authorized individuals gain entry. We understand that every conference is unique. That's why our access control solutions are highly customisable. Whether you need tailored access zones or specific clearance levels, we work closely with you to implement a system that aligns with your event's distinct requirements.

Our security personnel are trained to meticulously verify attendee credentials. This includes scrutinising badges, tickets, or electronic passes, leaving no room for unauthorised access. With a focus on identity verification, we employ robust protocols to confirm the identity of every individual seeking access.

Our goal is to create a secure environment where only those with legitimate credentials can participate in key conference areas. Our security team acts as vigilant gatekeepers, maintaining a watchful eye on access points to prevent any unauthorised entry. This proactive approach ensures the integrity of your event and the safety of all attendees.

Intellectual Property Protection

Conferences are hubs of intellectual exchange, where ideas, innovations, and proprietary information take center stage. Our specialised security services are meticulously crafted to provide unparalleled protection for the intellectual property showcased during your event. We recognise the diverse nature of intellectual property at conferences, from groundbreaking technologies to sensitive data.

Our security protocols are custom-tailored to align with the unique characteristics of your event, ensuring a nuanced and effective approach. Eavesdropping can compromise the confidentiality of crucial discussions. Our security personnel are trained to detect and prevent eavesdropping attempts, employing countermeasures to maintain a secure environment for confidential conversations.

Specialised Conflict Resolution for Professional Environments

We stand as a stalwart guardian, equipped with security personnel trained in conflict resolution tailored explicitly to professional settings. Our commitment is to address such issues diplomatically, fostering resolutions that not only resolve conflicts but also contribute to maintaining a positive and constructive atmosphere at your event. We understand the delicate nature of professional conflicts. Our security personnel are trained in the art of professional diplomacy, approaching disputes with a tactful and diplomatic mindset to ensure resolutions that preserve the integrity of your corporate environment.

Recognising the unique dynamics of corporate settings, our security team undergoes specialised training in conflict resolution techniques tailored to professional environments. This ensures that our personnel are well-versed in addressing disputes with a keen understanding of corporate etiquette and decorum. We understand the importance of maintaining a positive and collaborative atmosphere at corporate events. Our conflict resolution strategies are designed not only to resolve disputes but also to contribute to the overall harmony of the professional environment, allowing your event to proceed smoothly.

Emergency Preparedness for Professional Settings

Conferences demand a meticulous approach to emergency preparedness, particularly in professional settings. We provide security services that prioritise specialised emergency response plans tailored to the corporate environment. Our focus extends to preparing for potential emergencies, be it medical incidents, evacuations, or security breaches. We ensure that your conference is equipped with a comprehensive emergency preparedness strategy, offering a secure and controlled environment conducive to business professionalism.

Crowd Management in Business Settings

In the realm of professional conferences, crowd management takes on a distinct business-centric approach. Our services are designed to maintain a professional and organised environment, ensuring that attendees can engage in networking and discussions without disruptions. With our commitment to business-focused crowd management, we create a secure atmosphere that allows the essence of your event to thrive, facilitating meaningful interactions and fostering a conducive business environment.

Safeguarding Keynote Speakers and VIPs

In the realm of conferences and corporate gatherings, hosting esteemed keynote speakers, industry experts, and VIPs is commonplace. We stand as the paragon of protection, prioritising the safety and well-being of these distinguished individuals. Our security services are meticulously crafted to provide an elevated level of protection, encompassing crowd management and fostering a secure environment for speakers and high-profile attendees. Our personalised approach ensures that security measures align seamlessly with the preferences and requirements of each distinguished guest.

Conferences often draw large crowds, especially when distinguished individuals are in attendance. Our security personnel are adept at crowd management, implementing strategies to ensure a smooth flow of attendees while mitigating potential risks and maintaining a secure atmosphere. Creating a safe environment for speakers and VIPs is at the core of our security services. We employ proactive measures to identify and address potential security concerns, fostering an environment where distinguished guests can focus on delivering their insights without distraction or apprehension.

When necessary, prior to your event, our security experts can engage in strategic planning sessions to understand the specific needs and expectations of each speaker and VIP. This collaborative approach enables us to devise comprehensive security plans that align with the unique dynamics of your conference

Protest and Activist Management

Corporate events can attract protests or activist activity, necessitating security teams to manage such situations while maintaining a peaceful environment. Our skilled security teams comprehend the nature of these events, balancing freedom of expression with safety. Clear communication and conflict resolution skills maintain a calm atmosphere. Collaboration with local authorities ensures attendee safety. Trust us to manage your conference effectively, safeguarding the success of your corporate gathering while respecting diverse perspectives and maintaining a productive environment.

Venue security

Our security guards patrol your event and keep an eye out for any potential problems, such as suspicious activity, people loitering around the venue or trying to enter without authorisation. They are trained to prevent and respond to violence, such as altercations between guests or attacks on staff, and will be fully aware of the fire safety procedures in place at the venue and be prepared to respond to any fire emergencies. They constantly monitor the venue for any signs of theft, such as people carrying large bags or backpacks, or people acting suspiciously around valuable items and they also monitor the venue for any signs of vandalism, such as graffiti or damage to property during the event.

Our security measures are strengthened by installing and maintaining physical security measures, such as fences, gates, and CCTV cameras. Rigorous security procedures are also developed and implemented such as bag searches and body scans. This means that your event will have a reduced risk of crime and other security threats resulting in improved safety for guests and staff which leads to peace of mind for you and your staff members.

Cloakroom security

We provide security for your event's cloakroom, ensuring that your guests' belongings are safe and secure. A cloakroom is an essential service at many events, but it can also be a target for thieves. Our cloakroom security guards are SIA-licensed and have extensive experience in keeping guests' belongings safe.

They will check in and out guests' belongings keeping a record of each item and who it belongs to. This helps to prevent items from being lost or stolen. Our security guards will monitor the cloakroom at all times, both inside and out. This helps to deter thieves and keep an eye on any suspicious activity. They are trained to respond to any incidents that may occur, such as theft or damage to property. They will work to resolve the incident quickly and efficiently, and they will always keep you informed of the situation.

Guest list management

We check guests against your guest list and ensure that only authourised guests are admitted to your event. We can import your guest list from a variety of formats such as Excel or Google Sheets, verify the identities of your guests against your guest list using photo ID checks, issue tickets to your guests or check them against a list of pre-issued tickets and produce a report of all guests who attended your event, or who were refused entry.

Our team of experienced security professionals will take care of all the hassle of managing your guest list, so that your staff can focus on other aspects of your event. Our guest list management service helps to reduce the risk of gatecrashers and other security threats.

Confidential Information Management

Conferences involve discussions of sensitive and confidential business information, necessitating security measures to prevent unauthorised access and data breaches. The exchange of intellectual property, trade secrets, or proprietary information may transpire at corporate events. Our Security personnel are trained to safeguard valuable assets from theft or espionage, and to prevent unauthorised access.

Why Choose Elevation Security Services for Your Conference and Convention Security Needs?

  • We have extensive experience in providing security for conference events of all sizes, from small gatherings to large-scale conferences.

  • Our security personnel are not just guardians; they are ambassadors of professionalism. Their approachable demeanor ensures a positive experience for attendees while maintaining the highest standards of security.

  • We offer a personalised service and will work with you to create a security plan that meets your specific needs and budget.

Contact Us Today for a Free Quote

If you're planning a corporate event, contact us today for a free quote on our corporate event security services.

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020 3411 1112


Head office: Cremer Business Centre, 37 Cremer St, London E2 8HD

Opening hours

Monday - Friday: 08:30 - 18:00