person standing near the stairs
person standing near the stairs



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Valuable data guarded like a state secret, its vulnerability a forgotten concern.

Clients entering your doors greeted by not just competence, but unwavering security. This is the peace of mind Shoreditch Security delivers.

We're not just security guards, we're partners in resilience.

  • Proactive, not reactive: At Shoreditch Security, we believe foresight is our strongest weapon. We go beyond simply guarding your doors. We analyse your unique threats, train for every scenario, and implement a bespoke security shield tailored to your needs.

  • Guards who are an extension of your brand: Forget robotic figures in uniforms. Our corporate security personnel are impeccably dressed, expertly trained, and possess diverse skills, from flawless communication to vigilant CCTV monitoring. They don't just deter threats, they uphold your brand's image with every interaction.

  • More than just security, it's total well-being: Our guards act as your second set of eyes and ears, ensuring not just security but also the operational integrity of your entire site. From securing windows to documenting incidents, they become an extension of your team, meticulously safeguarding your environment.

  • A dedicated partnership, not just a service: We believe in building trust. Our client managers are your personal security advisors, conducting regular meetings and fostering open communication. They ensure you get the most from our services and have a voice in shaping your security strategy.

  • Security excellence, tailored to your needs: From headquarters to branch offices, we offer bespoke security solutions that adapt to your risk level, budget, and scale. We combine smart personnel with cutting-edge technology, like CCTV and patrol monitoring systems, to create an impenetrable shield around your business.

  • Access control that goes beyond the surface: Our guards are masters of access control, but we don't stop at ID checks. We implement innovative approaches and rigorous protocols to ensure only authorized individuals enter your space. Your trust is sacred, and we guard it fiercely.

  • Employee safety, our top priority: Your people are your greatest asset. We craft comprehensive emergency response plans for every scenario, from fire drills to medical emergencies, so your team can work with confidence, knowing they're protected.

  • Proactive defense, not reactive response: We believe in anticipating threats, not just reacting to them. Our training focuses on identifying risks and mitigating them proactively. We don't wait for trouble; we conquer it before it arrives.

  • Prepared for anything, 24/7: Our dedicated control room offers round-the-clock support, ensuring our on-site personnel have immediate assistance and your site's integrity is never compromised.

man in black suit jacket
man in black suit jacket

Experience that inspires trust.

Backed by years of experience, our highly trained security officers are renowned for their effectiveness. From headquarters to branch offices near us, we stand ready to safeguard your corporate legacy.

Don't let security concerns be your blind spot.

Contact Shoreditch Security today and experience the difference a proactive, trusted partner can make.


020 3960 7969


Head office: Cremer Business Centre, 37 Cremer St, London E2 8HD

Opening hours

Monday - Friday: 08:30 - 18:00

Saturday: 08:30 - 18:00